Hope everyone had a happy and safe new year. Me I went into work right at midnight. But my clients were up and we had a toast to sparkling juice. So New Year mean new resolutions. This year I want to make mysellf healthier. I need to lose way too much weight. I am tired of shopping in the "big girl" section. So this year I hope to loose weight and I need to slow my life down and take more time for me. Life gets so bundled up with school and work and family that I have no time for me. I need to make more time for me and frends.
Also I have been working on the daily challenges at Sweet Shoppe Designs (my fave srapbooking store) Here is my first LO for 2009!

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1 comment:
Great LO! Your blog rocks and you have an award waiting for you over on my blog http://misserinsscraps.blogspot.com/
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